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Advocating for cancer patients, the under-treatment of pain in America, freedom, truth and compassion. This blog is my shout out to the country I love in an effort to help others help themselves and encourage you to use your voice to impact society for the betterment of our lives. I hope to see you back often (Please make sure to click follow in the box on the lower right of the page.) Thank you! Take care and rock on! POLITICS-HEALTH-NEWS-ADVOCACY-SPIRITUALITY-YOU
SENATORS, reject this bill in any form! VOTE NO! OUR country is counting on you! DO NOT LET US DOWN!
Senators, we are holding you accountable for preserving our freedoms and liberties and we ARE watching your vote!
Brown, Sherrod - (D - OH) Class I
(202) 224-2315
Voinovich, George V. - (R - OH) Class III
(202) 224-3353
E-mail forms here:
Pray for all our senators to see truth through the deception painted before them by those with intent to take down our country.
Dear God, please bring them to their senses and give them wisdom to see your truth and light through these times and let all know you will be the one to bring us through these times, not money, which we know is the root of all evil, so why rely on the root of all evil to save our free country that was founded on your love and desire for us to be free, especially while we celebrate Valentine’s day, the day we celebrate just that – love – and those without faith and who rely on money to save them are deceiving our senators to vote on this bill with hidden intents, such as gun control, schools who let churches worship there will not get funding, and so so s o much more. Please break down Washington and let those who are honorable stand out and lead us to your ways and preserve our freedoms, liberties, truth, light, and honor in your name and in Jesus precious name we pray you put your hand on us, forgive us our sins and heal our land,
Thank you God for all you do for us each day to help meet our needs. You even sent manna from heaven to feed your people. We don’t need the root of evil to save us, we need you.
In Jesus name, Amen
I would rather have $2800 each, than this spending bill! That is about what it would be, tell them if they must, give the money back to us!
Wake up and remember (IN God’s hands) WE can save us, we don't need a big egotistical hero, or a big over-bearing government! We are creative, hard-working, and caring about each other. We do not need government forcing ANYTHING down our throats or forcing us to do anything “for our own good”!
Stand for something or fall for anything!
Taken from:
A provision in the House-passed stimulus bill -- banning money to be used to renovate schools from being spent on facilities that allow "religious worship" -- has ignited fury among those who claim it discriminates on the basis of faith and violates the right to free speech.
By Cristina Corbin - - Wednesday, February 04, 2009