Saturday, March 28, 2009

Palin - Attacked again - Legal Defense Fund Set Up Now!

Alaska Politics Blog : Blogger: Palin was 'a walking billboard' at Iron Dog. Palin: 'Latest bogus ethics complaint' |

From their site:

"...Linda Kellen Biegel, a Democrat who blogs under the name “Celtic Diva,” said in her complaint that Palin “improperly used her position and state resources to serve her personal financial interests by being a walking billboard for Arctic Cat, a private for-profit company and family business sponsor.”

A photo on the state Web site shows Palin in a bright white, green and black Team Arctic jacket kicking off the start of this year’s Iron Dog. A photo of her in the Team Arctic jacket and matching pants accompanied an article on Todd Palin and the Iron Dog in Sports Illustrated online.

Biegel said it’s her first ethics complaint against Palin.

Palin’s administration has faced 10 other ethics complaints. A complaint last week accused Palin of improperly posting a political message on the state Web site during the presidential campaign. Six of the 10 complaints have been dismissed, Palin has said.

The governor hit the roof over the latest accusation.

“Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet — another frivolous ethics charge by a political blogger? This would be hilarious if it weren’t so expensive for the state to process these accusations and for me to defend against these bogus harassments,” Palin said in Tuesday’s written release.

Palin had no agreement with Arctic Cat to wear the gear, her spokeswoman, Sharon Leighow, said in an e-mail. Leighow said she didn’t know whether Arctic Cat donated the clothing.

In an interview, Biegel responded, “I’m pleased to see that our governor supports our local artists and sports teams but I believe she’s missed the mark when it comes to what this ethics violation is all about.” Arctic Cat financially supports Todd Palin’s snowmachining, benefiting the whole family, she said.

Palin did not specify in her latest financial disclosure how much Arctic Cat’s sponsorship was worth in 2008. The company provided a “Discount on Snowmachines,” the annual disclosure said. In 2007, the sponsorship was worth $7,500.

To defend against various complaints, the governor has accumulated legal bills of more than half a million dollars, she said last week."

My commentary:

Is the legal defense fund up and running? I saw Glenn Beck's report on how they were TRYING to attack Sarah Palin with petty legal attacks just to try to bankrupt her because they know she is a HUGE threat in 2012! Instead of dealing with the big issues at hand for our country right now, they are more worried about positioning for the next election. Pathetic. Palin is a hope and an inspiration for America.

Sarah Palin is golden and they know it! :0)

Linda S. Kellen (AKA has an awful lot of free time on her hands being a puppet for the left wing liberals. Her concern for ethics issues is admirable, however, look in the mirror. Your party could never begin to understand the true essence of the meaning of ethics. The only understanding they have is a perverted one that points explicitly outward and never in. (Just ask Anne Coulter, her new book, "Guilty" explains it all. Maybe a bit out-there in some cases, but usually right on!)

To think the same tank of dead fish who blindly decided to ignore Obama's lack of citizenship, his ties to terrorism in Kenya, his outrageous America-hating bedfellows, Obama's Genocidal cousin in Kenya, and so much more. That same group wants to stick to their old hat routine whispering and pointing at the golden princess, in their haggish ways, saying - "what's SHE wearing?", "uh-huh, I though so, it has a label on it! Awhhh!! I'm calling her names..."

How pathetic, what a waste of time.

Linda, I would love for you to spend your free time volunteering at a cancer hospital. When I was there, so many people who were lonely could really use support. I was blessed enough to have my best friend with me and such, but so many of them looked like they had already given up. Your smiling face and advocacy could really cheer them up and you would feel much better about yourself than spending time degrading people, especially (ANOTHER WOMAN! WHERE is the girl power!???) I know it might be hard, but spending your time giving of yourself to help others would really help you realize what the world is about. Not fashion, not labels, not political games.

I hope you wise up and I call you to remove your complaint. Thank you! To call Linda to remove her complaint, she put her contact number on her filing as 907-830-9458 so maybe with everyone letting her know how they feel, she will consider withdrawing her complaint.

OH MY GOSH, I just went to her site and how disparaging! SHE is another red head! How could you Linda?! Why? Oh Linda, please change your ways! Ugh...

Also, if Palin’s picture is such an outrage, why are you posting the same picture you complain about, on YOUR SITE?! Wouldn't that make you an accomplice and guilty of proliferating the same offense YOU are complaining about?
I would LOVE to be the one to welcome you to the conservative side of the fence. I am not even saying to become republican. Try independent or anything really, but whatever it is would be better than what you are now, because that, my dear, is no good.

Here is her legal complaint. It contains many grammatical errors for a document that is supposed to be a legal pleading. You would think that would embarrass her, she seems rather proud of herself.

On her twitter page, - she jokes about it saying "I filed the ethics complaint against Gov. Palin...let the games begin" and "Woooo Hoooo!!!! I got Governor Palin to say ASSSSSInine!" It looks like she revels in another woman's demise, and for what reason I ask? Fear? Envy? Boredom? Because it sure lacks substance, it is an embarrassment.

On her other blog, she declares herself,
"DNCC State Blog representing Alaska; recently moved to Community Blog platform! Proud stay-at-home mom...musician, writer, boater, water-lover, slayer-of-fish and gamer geek."

I guess she forgot to mention "slander and defamation guru" because that is about 90% of all she does. Does she realize the left has knighted her because she is "available"? After grooming her properly, they now are using her and she enjoys the petting. The left is fully aware of the psychology of people like her, who they use to further their agenda by stroking them and grooming them into enjoying being a tool for spreading pure hate. It would be different if she had something to say that was not filled with hate, but she is using her platform, anointed by the left, to promote oppressing successful women, speaking with hate, and twisting the truth, and more, for what? It seems to be simply out of jealousy. She is a 46 year-old mother. I wonder if she would want her child treated this way if she became successful. I wonder if she would want her daughter’s pictures mutilated with cheap photo-editing software and hung up all over the internet. You should see Linda’s flicker page. I have the links at the bottom of this post for you. They are chocked full of Palin-insulting images and more.

I wonder if she remembers learning anything from woman's suffrage and all that women have gone through to have the rights and equality we have to this day, only for her to be a tool for a man to use as he laughs, to make us devour each other. Come on! You should be supporting successful women, especially when they are selflessly fighting for America and the rights for us all, preserving the liberties and freedoms we all are entitled to.

SHAME on you Linda!

Governor Palin released this statement:


Governor Comments on Latest Bogus Ethics Complaint

March 24, 2009, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin issued the following statement in response to another ethics complaint filed today. Filed by an Anchorage political blogger, the complaint alleges the governor “… improperly used her position and state resources to serve her personal financial interests by being a walking billboard for Arctic Cat …”

“Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet - another frivolous ethics charge by a political blogger? This would be hilarious if it weren’t so expensive for the state to process these accusations and for me to defend against these bogus harassments. Yes, I wore Arctic Cat snow gear at an outdoor event, because it was cold outside, and by the way, today, I am wearing clothes bearing the names of Alaska artists, and a Glennallen Panthers basketball hoodie. I am a walking billboard for the team’s fundraiser! Should I expect to see an ethics charge for wearing these, or the Carhartts I wear to many public events? How much will this blogger’s asinine political grandstanding cost all of us in time and money?”

More supporters for Palin calling for "loser-pays" legal fees laws:

More on Linda:

Her flicker stream where she attacks the Palin family, FOX news, all mixed right in with her family pictures:
From her myspace:

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich (and me) who is running against Senator Ted series of tubes Stevens for U.S. Senate.

Her husband and best friend (She mocks Palin's family and faces Palin made in her flicker stream, we are all human and look ugly sometimes Linda.):

Emmas birthday at Henrys Country Jam - my husband Josh and BFF Patti Greene

Captain Josh - catching a pretty silver salmon

Linda  Morrigan - on the Neverdone - Seward 2003

Her gamer icon:
Something special under the tree this year

Facebook -

Myspace -;jsessionid=5DF23BD1CE70643E55308FED833C4B52?diaryId=478

Here she has pics of the Wasilla church fire and Sara shopping

She has also been a guest columnist on the Anchorage Daily News. You may want to contact them too.

I really hope this pathetic attempt to devour Sarah Palin by the left is stopped. To support Sarah Palin, please visit these pages:

The chip-in account I made up for Sarah Palin’s defense fund:

Facebook chip-in code and links:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Reality TV star Jade Goody dead

Reality TV star Jade Goody dead: "The christening was one of her final requests and her publicist Clifford said she wanted to do it so her sons 'know about Jesus and hopefully in the years ahead they'll be able to keep in touch with (her) through Jesus'.

On Tuesday, her publishers said they would publish a diary of her dying days.

Even her funeral, to be held at her local church in the next 10 days, is set to be highly public. Clifford said Goody planned it herself and that it would be 'very much a Jade Goody production'."

My prayers are with her children, mom and husband.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Conficker Worm: Help Protect Windows from Conficker.A and Conficker.B

Conficker Worm: Help Protect Windows from Conficker.A and Conficker.B: "On February 12, 2009, Microsoft announced a U.S. $250,000 reward for information that results in the arrest and conviction of those responsible for illegally launching the Conficker malicious code on the Internet. Microsoft's reward offer stems from the company's recognition that the Conficker worm is a criminal attack. Microsoft wants to help the authorities catch the criminals responsible for it. Residents of any country are eligible for the reward, according to the laws of that country, because Internet viruses affect the Internet community worldwide.

Individuals with information about the Conficker worm are encouraged to contact their international law enforcement agencies. Additionally, Microsoft has implemented an Antivirus Reward Hotline, +1-425-706-1111, and an Antivirus Reward Mailbox,, where tips can be shared."

If your antivirus software does not detect Conficker, you can use the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) to clean the malware. For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web page: (
Note - You may still have to take some manual steps to clean all the effects of the malware. To clean all the effects that are left behind by the malware, follow the steps that are listed in the "Manual steps to remove the Conficker.b variant" section of this Knowledge Base article.

Michele Bachmann Grilling AIG decisions and asking the tough questions

Watching the AIG grilling, I was screaming in my head in frustration when out of the heavens came Michele Bachmann ( asking the questions we all wanted to ask. I tried to find a video and came up with this:,GGGL:2006-45,GGGL:en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=6B3JSaz4JpeEnAejyM2QAw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title#

So after doing my searches, I found the news say "Geithner, Bernanke reject new global currency idea" - okay, I was watching it live, I sware they said yes to a world currency. I heard them both. I then began this blog, so what happened, did I hear something that was lost, or did I misunderstand... I believe I "heard" what they meant, because a one world currency is pretty much eminent. SIGH... What do you think? Leave me a comment.

Lance Armstrong Updates and links, you are in our prayers

Statement from Lance Armstrong after injury
(from his blog - links below)

Lance Armstrong crashed in the first stage of the Castilla y Leon race today in Spain. Armstrong was transported via ambulance to the hospital where it was confirmed he did suffer a break of the right clavicle. Armstrong will return home to the States to make a decision on surgery options. “In 17 years as a pro I have been lucky to avoid one of the most common cycling injuries. The crash has put my upcoming calendar in jeopardy but the most important thing for me right now is to get back home and rest up and begin my rehab,” said Armstrong. Astana Team doctor Pedro Celaya was with Armstrong at the hospital. “Lance suffered a fracture of the middle third of the right collarbone as well as some bruises on his right hip and arm,” added Dr Celaya.

Video - WFTV

I have been excited to find out there may be a biking trek in Ohio this year, I hope this does not change that. Lance's bravery facing cancer and political barriers while advocting for cancer patients everywhere is admired. I am a LIVESTRONG delegate and hope to attend the next Summit and will update you as soon as I know when that is. Lance, you are in my prayers - LIVESTRONG!

Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party :: April 15th, 2009

Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party :: April 15th, 2009: "WIN FREE TEA PARTY GEAR!

In an effort to build exposure for the Nationwide Tax Day Tea Party events through subscriber lists and e-mail campaigns, we've decided to launch a new contest that will give YOU the chance to win all kinds of free Tea Party Gear.

This contest is designed to help build our daily 'RSS feed through email' list, develop more agressive work-of-mouth marketing campaigns through blog posts and social media, and generate more attention to our Tea Party Store so that we can sell enough gear to be able to send our organizers free goodies for their local Tea Party events." - check out the tax day tea party shop too!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The White House - Press Office - Readout of the President's Meeting with Cardinal George

The White House - Press Office - Readout of the President's Meeting with Cardinal George: "THE WHITE HOUSE

Office of the Press Secrectary
For Immediate Release March 17, 2009

Today the President met in the Oval Office with His Eminence, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago and President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The President and Cardinal George discussed a wide range of issues, including important opportunities for the government and the Catholic Church to continue their long-standing partnership to tackle some of the nation’s most pressing challenges. The President thanked Cardinal George for his leadership and for the contributions of the Catholic Church in America and around the world."

Interesting... so what do you think? Didn't it say in Revelation the government would for a partnership with a church or something?... leave me a comment! :0)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jade Goody tells children: 'The angels are calling mummy' - Telegraph

Jade Goody tells children: 'The angels are calling mummy' - Telegraph

I just learned that Jade Goody is undergoing cervical cancer treatment and I found this article about it. I do not know much about her or anything, but this really hit home and I wanted to share it with you.

From the article "...The cancer-stricken reality television star, has told her children that the "angels are calling mummy" as she gathered her family for what is feared could be the last time. In an emotional meeting, her sons Bobby, five, and Freddie, four, brought flowers to her bedside for what was supposed to be an early Mother's Day party.

But the 27-year-old, who was heavily sedated and exhausted as she nears the end of her battle with terminal cancer, could only muster a few words before falling asleep. The Big Brother star's mother, Jackiey, yesterday said Goody was clinging on to life "hour by hour" after her condition deteriorated over the weekend.

Goody, who was diagnosed with cervical cancer last summer, discharged herself from hospital last week so she could die at home.

She told her sons then: "Mummy's going to heaven soon. I'm going to be a star up in the sky, so when you are looking up you will be able to see me and know I'm there, always looking over you."

When Freddie asked why his mother was so sleepy, Goody replied: "Because the angels are calling Mummy."

Her publicist Max Clifford said that Goody had hoped to spend time with loved ones at her home in Upshire, Essex, over the weekend, but it had to be cancelled because of her rapidly ailing health."

Read more on their site by clicking the above link.
Let me know if you find more about cervical cancer in the news. Thanks, and keep her family in your prayers!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

912 Project - Remember who we really are - Glenn Beck's project - Americans will save America!

As promised, I am including many links for you to get involved. Many sites include calls to action and events. Some are social sites so we can support each other and share ideas, etc. I hope this list helps, I will be adding more soon and feel free to browse through my posts to find action items I have posted in the past. I do not limit my posts to any subject, but I usually use this blog to inform, call to action, etc.
Links to get involved: - use my link on the side of my blog

Comment if you know more you want listed! Unite and restore our America!
Stay connected, follow my blog and join in on my PyraBang network where you can post news independent from the mainstream!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

US struggles to pinpoint cyber attacks: Top official

US struggles to pinpoint cyber attacks: Top official

National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The United States often cannot quickly or reliably trace a cyber attack back to its source, even as rival nations and extremists may be looking to wage virtual war, Blair warned Tuesday. (More after clicking the link to the post.)

What? We have some of the best IT minds and we can not figure this out? I have one solution they could consider, USA A MAC - they have less virus issues and might be a small step they could take to resolve some problems. They could also use firefox instead of IE, IE has to many bugs and holes. Ideas? Comment me! :0)

Scientists develop nano-hydrogels capable of detecting cancer cells

Scientists develop nano-hydrogels capable of detecting cancer cells
(PhysOrg PR) -- One of the problems in the treatment of cancers continues to be the lack of ability when it comes to discriminating between healthy and unhealthy cells, with the result being that all cells are affected non-specifically by the treatment. The task of the New Materials and Supramolecular Spectroscopy research team at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) has been to provide an answer to this problem by using intelligent nano-hydrogels - small particles capable of detecting diseased cells and releasing the medication only where required.

The hydrogels are polymers in the shape of a net. These hydrogels can swell up — by absorption — but cannot be dissolved in a liquid. This type of polymers has many and very diverse applications. For example, they can be used to make artificial muscle or for capturing heavy metals in waste water.

The New Materials and Supramolecular Spectroscopy research team at the Department of Physical Chemistry in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the UPV/EHU is a pioneering one in the investigation of hydrogels and is led by Dr. Issa A. Katime, author of the only book published in Spanish on the topic. At present, they are using hydrogels to release pharmaceutical drugs in a controlled manner, for example, with cancer patients. Their goal was to design a particle capable of detecting where the cancer is. To this end, intelligent hydrogels capable of detecting changes in pH were developed — while blood generally has a pH of 7.4, in a zone where a cancer is located it drops to 4.7-5.2. In order to achieve this capability, these hydrogels are functionalised with folic acid, which has the ability to detect and to “trick” cancer cells, in such a way that these permit penetration of their membranes: under these conditions the hydrogel acts like a “Trojan horse”. Once in the cell interior, the change in pH favours the swelling of the nano-hydrogel and, thus, the release of the pharmaceutical drug.

But known hydrogels present a problem in their application with patients: their molecular size. The most effective manner to administer a pharmaceutical drug is intravenously — it gets to all parts in a very short time —, but very large molecules cannot be injected because they may cause obstruction or problems on the organism such as, for example, angina pectoris and even heart attack. The essential condition for their use in humans is that these particles have to be sufficiently small so as not to obstruct the veins and arteries and, besides, not be detected by the white corpuscles — otherwise the latter will attack the former and cause them to enlarge, giving rise to the previously mentioned problem. Thus, if these particles are small enough to pass through the membrane of the kidney, in the case of not detecting any cancer cells, they can be excreted in the urine.

The use of nanoparticles for these ends holds a number of difficulties: interweaving them in a controlled manner in order to create the nano-hydrogels; the spaces created within the structure of the net having the necessary size to transport the pharmaceutical drug; and all the particles having a similar size.

What happens is, on synthesising polymers, particles of very different sizes are obtained. If they are to be injected into the human body, these particles cannot be much greater than 15-30 nanometres. To this end, the research team perfected a technique that not only enabled the obtaining of nanoparticles, but also that they all were of similar size.

The final design of the nanoparticles was a success. Currently these are undergoing “in vivo” trials with research teams led by Dr. José María Teijón, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University in Madrid and Dr. Antonio Quintana, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the UPV/EHU.

But these intelligent nano-hydrogels are not only useful for combating cancer. The application of nano-hydrogels with anti-tubercular pharmaceutical drugs is currently being investigated. Today, the most effective anti-tubercular drugs have to be injected several times daily, a problem in areas with poor access to health centres, as in developing countries.

This research team is designing a system with nano-hydrogels that contains a mixture of anti-tubercular pharmaceutical drugs and which release this medication in a controlled and constant manner over long periods of time. But, in this case, the hydrogel is charged with more than one substance, and it is consequently more difficult to control the speed and concentration with which the pharmaceutical drug is released. This will oblige the team to modify the structure of the hydrogel and adapt it to suit the need of the case in hand.

Provided by Elhuyar Fundazioa, Spain

Reposted from:

So, what do you think about this finding? Has this been used yet in America? Do you know anyone researching this or testing it? Leave me a comment. :0)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where to go to connect with stimulus funds nationally: " is your source to FIND and APPLY for federal government grants. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to be the managing partner for, an initiative that is having an unparalleled impact on the grant community. Learn more about and determine if you are eligible for grant opportunities offered on this site."

Also check you local state grant site for example:

Hopefully some of the good folks who want to really better our country are able to get their hands on it and do something with it other than furthering the liberal agenda. I oppose what Obama did by slamming this on us, but since he did, I hope HIS followers are not the ones to get the money to further their agenda, so pray and do what you can for your fellow patriots.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pajamas Media » The Party of Rush

Pajamas Media » The Party of Rush

God is our leader! They just don't seem to get it...

Conservatives do not hold to a single "leader" as defined by liberal propaganda machines. Most conservatives actually define themselves as leaders and follow their faith, convictions, principles and have discernment on the issues, thus God is the leader of the conservatives. Loving our enemy is one principle that we hold to that most liberals sadly, do not.

Obama just signed off on preventing restrictions on stem cell research

Obama just signed an act lifting the restrictions on federal funding for stem cell research.
So, where does he sign off his morals? Pretty sure he already did that...
More to come as the news rolls or I feel motivated... ;0)

Saipan Tribune

Saipan Tribune: "In June 2009, a major change will begin to affect our islands. The United States has decided that it is time to change our ways concerning entry and employment of nonresident workers on our islands. As we all know, it is called the federalization law....Cheap nonresident labor is a memory. This is a new age and requires new techniques and fresh devoted local employees"

So, Obama is letting illegals run rampant in America, but imposing federalization on CNMI Islands. I had to map them.

View Larger Map

What is this about, seriously, tell me someone...

North Korea says it is preparing to launch a satellite, but both Seoul and Washington believe the real purpose is to test a long-range Taepodong-2 missile that could in theory reach Alaska.

Pray for this situation to be in God's hands and his will to be done. Pray for the protection of Alaska (guidance for Palin) and its people. Most of all, pray for our leaders and for them to have wisdom and can love their enemies and forgive as they would want to be forgiven. Save us Dear Jesus. Amen

The scoop -

North Korea says it is preparing to launch a satellite, but both Seoul and Washington believe the real purpose is to test a long-range Taepodong-2 missile that could in theory reach Alaska.

The North's military General Staff warned it would retaliate "with prompt counter-strikes by the most powerful military means" for any attempt to intercept it.

"Shooting our satellite for peaceful purposes will precisely mean a war," the military said.

Japan warned last week that it is prepared to shoot down any rocket headed toward its territory, and US officials have said they have the capability to knock out any missile.

Analysts suspect the North is taking a tougher stance as it competes for US President Barack Obama's attention with other world hotspots.

It is also angry at South Korea's conservative President Lee Myung-Bak, who has scrapped his predecessors' policy of offering virtually unconditional aid to Pyongyang.

The US and South Korea say a launch for any purpose would breach a United Nations resolution passed after the last missile launch in 2006, the same year the North staged an underground nuclear test.

"Whether they describe it as a satellite launch or something else makes no difference, they would be in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1718," the new US envoy for North Korea, Stephen Bosworth, said Monday.

He has been holding talks in Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul on ways to persuade the North to push ahead with a six-nation nuclear disarmament deal and to hold back from firing a rocket.

Bosworth said the five parties negotiating with Pyongyang strongly agree it would be "extremely ill-advised" for it to fire a rocket.

The nuclear talks, involving the two Koreas, the United States, Japan, Russia and China, are deadlocked by disputes over how the North's declared atomic activities should be verified.

"We are hopeful that we can see the resumption of the six-party process in the relatively near future," Bosworth told reporters after a day of talks with senior South Korean officials.

Another note: So is this Barrack Hussein Obama's way to save the economy? war - used as a tool to boost or as a way to divert attention to his destruction of our life, liberty and happiness or something because there are so many empty promises he made us and now shame he must face each day he looks in the mirror to face the evil he personifies. Pray he falls broken before God and asks Jesus to be his savior, because God knows Obama can not save the world, he can not even save himself. We all need Jesus.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Democrats plan to answer Rush Limbaugh near his Palm Beach home -- South Florida

Democrats plan to answer Rush Limbaugh near his Palm Beach home -- South Florida "What do you think?
Should President Obama take Rush Limbaugh up on his offer to have a one-on-one debate?"

You have to vote on this one! They are planning on using YOUR money to place a billboard propaghanda machine near Rush in the hopes of opressing him as they fear his fans, friends and followers because everyone knows the right is right and no matter how many times you spin around, the left is never right. Rock on Rush, I may not agree with everything you say, but in our country, we all are allowed to say and should NEVER fear the government oppressing our freedom of speech! :0)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Haleigh Cummings - Missing - My letter to her abductor, Police reports, Clues, Theories and more

The situation about Haleigh Cummings has kept me up researching tonight. I know it may never matter, but I wish there was something I could do.
My message to Haleigh's abductor:
If someone has her and would for some off chance read this, please think of how you would feel as a small child being taken from everything you know, regardless of what anyone thinks, to you it is all you love and you are only harming that child by not allowing her safe handing over to a church, hospital, police station, anywhere she can be given a chance to live a life full of hope for a future that now is only in your hands.
Even if you send her off and tell her to walk into a police station and you take off, it would be the right thing. If what you were doing by keeping her was right, you would not feel like hiding it, you would be fine with it being on the front page of the news, so that should tell you - if you can not trust your own judgement - that it is wrong to prevent her return to her friends at school and a community who now is dedicated to her safety and future, so please do not take that from her just to punish her parents or family, it would seem they have issues, but you are only hurting her and preventing her from the community and her school friends from giving her a new chance to live a fulfilling life. 
Please do no harm and think how much all her friends miss her and cry thinking about playing with their friend that has disappeared with no reason and how over-joyed they would be to have her back in class.
The whole community would be so grateful to you if you would graciously return her in a safe fashion. Think of more than the parents, these children do not deserve to be so sad missing their friend. It would be the bravest, noblest and healthiest thing you ever did and it would give you a chance to redeem yourself and make a new resolution for yourself as well. Please go now and take her anywhere safe, have mercy on her and all who love her. Now go, quickly before you get to scared to do the right thing. Thank you.
To everyone trying to make sense of things, here is the info I found and promised to the fellow Greta wire bloggers:
divorce papers

also - police reports

My thoughts below:

Police should urgently request everyone and every business in the area
who has surveillance to review from that day/night and to SAVE it in
case it is needed for anything, whoever has her may have needed fuel,
etc. or fed her or something or she may how up in the video if she
wondered off. Also all surveillance from all medical and ER visits from
the past few months, if they were seeking drugs from the ER, the perp
could have also been there before to ensure their goods were
delivered. They should tell people this ASAP.

If she wondered off, she may have gotten lost and someone kept her or
fell in the water?? Did they scout the water completely?

What about letting children services assure whoever has her that they
will ensure she is in safe and in the best care - maybe someone took
her to protect her (in their mind) and they think if they return her
she will be uncared for, so why return her?? hum... Offer money or
something even to the perp - set up in an undisclosed location if they
drop her off freely... somehow...

Have they followed up on their email and computer history? Do either
of them have online profiles anywhere? Follow up with ALL those
contacts also... just some ideas if anyone there reads this. God Bless
and the family is in our prayers, they are all innocent until proven
guilty, so we have to treat them as such while still considering all

Follow the money, everyone in the situation and extend out from there
a bit, examine their banking and receipts from months back until now
and watch for anyone who may have set it up and "sold" her or traded
for drugs, etc...

Also, pull in ALL medical records for all involved - may show up
domestic issues or drug problems and those reports may state things
that were said, who was there and give more names and info. to
follow-up on.

Also, maybe there was a drug accident in the home where the child
consumed some of them and over-dosed?

Have any ADULTS been missing from work since then?

Every one's phone records scoured

Okay, some clues:

Ron at work until 3am ish
Ron's mother works or worked for the Alachua county Sheriff's office
according to his divorce papers.
Also reports that there were phone calls between Ron and gf in early morning
hours before he returned home
The father has made the statement, that she may have been taken to get back at him for something from his past.
Volunteers found one area of interest in the woods where someone had constructed a makeshift lean-to and furniture out of tree branches. A shovel and length of rope were found at the location; however it remains unclear if any of the items are of relevance. (Taken from

All "passed" lie detector (no one said they showed no sign of deception.)

Drugs are involved with all parents at some point, bio mom claims only
when she was with Ron previously, but that Ron and his gf

Screen door was propped open with a cinder block, dad says that the
reg door is deadbolt locked at all times and he is always checking to
be sure it is and that it has to be pushed in to lock/unlock it a
certain way

Police say everyone is a suspect

Anthony's reached out at first, but I have not seen them there since

A/C repairman was there earlier that day without any oddities reported
to the public thus far, allegedly cleared

Little brother says a black man in black with squeaky shoes took his
sissy in her sleep. When he woke up crystal was there...

Cadaver dogs hit on the dumpster, police allege it was cleared as a
non-related issue

Misty's father lives in the trailer across the street from Ron and her.

Crystal's boyfriend is her step brother. (from Gretawire blog noting
police report, I will look to verify and add links below.)

Haleigh was born 8/16/2003 so she is 5 1/2 years old.

Her father Ronald Cummings was born 10/29/1983 so he is 25 years old
and 19 when she was born.

Her mother Crystal Sheffiled was born 8/30/1989 so she is 19 years old
and 13 years old when she was born. (2 weeks shy of her being 14)

Misty Croslin was born 12/9/1991 so she is 17. She said she has been
going with Ron since June so she was 16 when they got together.

**All below from scaredmonkeys:


Mother of Haleigh is Crystal Diane Sheffield – age 24

Her mother is: Nancy Marie Griffis – age 43 (second marriage to Bruce
A. Griffis in 2002 in Putnum County, Florida)

Her father is: Johnny Marcus Sheffield – age 46 – Satsuma and MacClenny

Siblings are: Sarah Lavon, Marcus, Savannah

Step-father: Bruce A. Griffis – age 46 – Glen St. Mary, Lake City,
Sanderson, Lawstoy

Boyfriend: Chad Griffis – age 29 (may be son of step-father or step-uncle)
Possible relationship: son of Victor Griffis – age 52; Deborah Lynn –
age 48; Jill – age 25

Father of Haleigh is Ronald Cummings – age 25
His father: Jack Cummings
His mother: Theresa Neves
His girlfriend: Misty Croslin – age 17
Misty Croslin
Her father: Hank Thomas Croslin – age 40
Her mother: Lisa Croslin – age 39
Her siblings: Lindsey and Chelsea

Father's occupation: owns T&T Drywall Company – Hank Croslin, Inc.

Father's relatives: Chester Leon – age 44; Adam Troy – age 43; June
Marie - age 63; Timothy A. - age 21; Michael - no age given.
Chad's myspace: (takes awhile to load)
Sarah's myspace:

Marie's myspace: (Crystal's mom)

Crystal (biomom) myspace:  (if this doesn't link just
copy and paste into your browser)

Crystal & Sarah's dad's myspace:

Misty Croslin's myspace

Tommy Croslin's myspace (Misty's Brother) hasn't logged in since 07

DOB Sept 26, 1986
Occupation: Does drywall
Wife: Lindsy-- kids: 3

Lindsy's myspace (Married to Tommy Croslin) last log in 2/12/09 (
kids: 3

Timothy Croslin's myspace (Misty's Brother)

 DOB June 21, 1987
Wife Chelsea(married 2-11-06)
Occupation: Drywall finisher myspace

Chelsea Croslin's
Married to Timothy Croslin
DOB Sep 29 1987
Home town: Cape Cod
Birthplace: Falmouth mass

pic of crystal and chad:

Here is a link to Ronalds and Chrstals divorce papers:

Mother of Ron's other child?

Misty comment:

"Would like to call your attention to this wierdness... taken from the above Who's Who in Haleigh's known family and possible relatives..

This is one of the possible relatives of Haleigh, possibly a maternal cousin:

Sapp, Donald Lee
possibly related in some way to Guy W. Sapp, Raymond Sapp, (which could make Donald related by marriage to Misty Croslin), and possibly related in some way to a Griffis (which could make Donald related by marriage as a maternal cousin to Haleigh Cummings).  From Putnam, at one time lived in the same town as Haleigh's mother, Crystal, in Glenn Saint Mary, FL, has also lived in Mcclenny, FL, where some of Crystal's family is from/living. Donald moved to 315 2nd Ave, Satsuma, (which is 3.6 miles from the Cummings home). Is 315 2nd Ave. the same home as 315 Green Lane????  In doing public records search, 315 2nd Ave. comes up as being owned by and having been the residence of Jeffrey Michael Griffis and Billye Lee (Wager?) Griffis. (see ). Jeffrey M. Griffis, age 29, was hit by a car on 1/7/2009 and died the next day.  Donald Lee Sapp moved into Jeffrey and Billye's home a few weeks later on 1/26/2009.  And a few weeks after that, Haleigh disappeared.
---->  Registered Sex Offender, arrested on 6-12-1997 for lewd/lascivious assault on 14 yr old female, occuring in East Palatka.  At the time he was already serving probation for a prev. charge of l/l assault on 13 yr old female runaway.  In 2000 he was arrested for trying to set up a meeting with a 10 yr old female, on a sting with her father in an internet chatroom.  Billye Lee Griffis had testified in Donald's trial in the 1990's.  A Raymond Sapp contributed to bail in one of Donald's cases, and Donald is mentioned in Raymond obituary in 2005. Donald is/was married and has four children, according to Raymond Sapp's obituary.   


Jeffrey M. Griffis and Billye Lee (Wager?) Griffis were married, filed for divorce back in October.  But they were still living together on 1/5/2009 when Jeffrey and Billye filed for a domestic violence restraining order against Donald Lee Sapp, which was denied. 

TWO DAYS LATER on 1/7/2009, Jeffrey, age 29, was hit by a car and died the next day. 

A few weeks later, Donald Lee Sapp moved into Jeffrey and Billye's home, on 1/26/2009.  Dunno what, if anything, Billye did, if she moved out or what. 

A few weeks after that, Haleigh disappeared. "
***Is this true? ...
A convenience store tape shows Ron making a purchase around 2am...
Ron's gun was found in a ditch near his home...
Misty found the pink t-shirt outside the back door, found just inside the back door in a dirty clothes pile. Laundry area
What if someone who was there earlier (family member, etc.) had propped the door open that evening to return later for a robbery. Both father and gf are apparently drug users and father allegedly dealt drugs. What if Haleigh woke up and was looking for Misty when she encountered the robber and he took her so she couldn't tell?
Does anyone else find if strange that this family once lived in Leesburg Florida. It is in Leesburg that the girl wandered off. Leesburg, is also the home of Trenton Duckett, in fact he was last seen in Leesburg. Of all the towns in Florida, with all the trailer parks in Florida, what is the chance, where two children who both lived in the little town, should come up missing?
Also, since there is a scent trail down to the water do you think maybe that whoever took her had a boat waiting there and that's how they escaped?

<a href="" rel="tag"><img style="border:0;vertical-align:middle;margin-left:.4em" src="" alt=" " />haleigh cummings</a>

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