Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Find a new Job, Earth Day and Fun!

Okay, I scoured the internet and came up with some ideas on how you can enjoy earth day, find an interesting work and more! (I am not paid to link you to these sites, I just came across them and am passing them on to you.) :0)
Enjoy Earth day by surfing the net, getting creative and working on your lawn or new job!

For starters, DIY has a landscaping challenge and home sweeps brewing here:,,DIY_26336_85929,00.html?xp=amdl

HGTV has a super-fan contest here:

HGTV win a dream home:

I found this odd site that I don't know what to think of yet, called street mojo, let me know what you think of it... I either love it or hate it...hum...

Now it is time to get to work! Here are some unique employment opportunities:

Freelance work:

Justin TV is hiring:

Mozilla is hiring:

Twitter is hiring:

JobScore is hiring: is hiring:


So now go video tape your lawn and get a job! Have fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Re: websleuths clues

So, it has been quite awhile since I posted the letter to Haleigh's abductor, and we still don't know where she is. I pray whoever has her is keeping her safe and caring for her. I saw a video that says she needs medical care and has turner syndrome or something, so that is another thing for her captor to consider. Please send her back.

Also do not forget about all the missing children out there everywhere, check the link here to help:

I found some interesting video for you to watch here:

Ronald Cummings Tatoo video you haven't seen:

An interview of misty maybe you have not seen:

Exclusive Misty's friend who took misty partying:

Mystery man white man greg:

Art Harris has done some exclusive reporting on the Haleigh case and has gotten exclusive interviews with the mystery man and party girls who talk about the days before the 911 call  and there were also some interrsting comments that I posted below. If you know something on her whereabouts, please contact the investigators or email Art Harris at least! :0) Thanks everyone!
  1. LaFlorita Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 4:45 pm

    I think Grandmother Teresa Neves is the 1 person with the information that will allow this case to be settled.

    Teresa - I know you. I know all about you. For God's Sake, stop this insanity N-O-W. You will not have greater access to your grandchildren if you are sitting in prison for the rest of your life.

  1. briana Says:
    April 20th, 2009 at 5:17 pm

    this is what I'm saying KIM P is trying to get dirt but look who it's coming from!this is completely out of control!fo an attorney to say something happened like bloody nosebleeds then the person who told her this has a whole other story for someone else this is so ridiculous….look at the source…who is giving the info…KIM P..make sure it's true before you go on t.v and tell us all about it..K-PISH


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party - Sign Ideas and PJTV Reporting

Sign ideas:
End the Fed - change you took from us - represent or  find another job! - no pay for politicians until we are free, repeal the patriot act  -  stop taking from us, we will keep our guns, our money and our freedom, then you can keep your job, take from us and you are gone! - Voting out any politician who violates the constitution! - Job openings in congress soon! - Stop trampling the constitution and our freedoms! - Politicians, turn or burn, change your ways or you will be replaced! - We don't need a leader with his nose in the air, his hand in our packet and oppression over our heads! - TEA, Taxed enough already!

more ideas here:

I hope that helps! LOL :0)

This is going to be an excellent event!

Fox and friends said homeland security will be watching and stuff, so maybe we could all wear our "I am not an Agent of the state or with homeland security" on a 3x5 card and tape it to our shirts - LOL, wait a minute, that might not be a bad idea...then we will know who the trolls are!

I will also be reporting for PJTV from Columbus, Ohio:

Best Passages From "The Income Tax, Root of All Evil", 1954

best passages from "The Income Tax, Root of All Evil", 1954: "At the present time there is no economic group sufficiently disturbed about income taxation to start doing something about it... For instance, the banking

fraternity is not overly disturbed by high income taxation; because of these revenues, the government can guarantee

the mortgages the banks hold on overvalued veterans' homes and other housing projects; these guarantees might not be worth much if the

Sixteenth Amendment were repealed.3 The industrialists who revel in a backlog of government orders likewise see no reason for repeal. Nor can

the farmers work up any interest in the matter since it is out of income-tax revenues that they get 'parity' support as well as checks for not

producing. College professors whose salaries depend on government subsidies, veterans whose incomes are augmented by gratuities from the

federal treasury, dentists who pull teeth at government expense, tenants whose rent is more or less paid by the government, two and a half million

who are on the public payroll—probably half the population of America are wholly or in part dependent on income taxes for their livelihood, have

made a comfortable adjustment with it, and though they grumble about the part they have to pay, would not like to have their adjustment disturbed.

Among these beneficiaries of the income tax are the"

Ron Paul: Income Tax = Involuntary Servitude | Ron Paul .com

Ron Paul: Income Tax = Involuntary Servitude | Ron Paul .com: "Ron Paul: Income Tax = Involuntary Servitude

By tmartin • April 13, 2009

In his latest column, Ron Paul talks about Tax Freedom Day, a hypothetical holiday which is “celebrated” today, April 13, and symbolizes the fact that Americans are slaving away 3.5 months, or 28.2% of this year to fulfill the government’s voracious appetite for confiscatory taxes, corrupt bailouts and wasteful stimulus efforts. Ron Paul wants to abolish the income tax and replace it with nothing, and until that dream becomes a political reality, he fights for every tax cut and tax credit possible. — tmartin"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Casey Anthony Death Penalty

They are seeking the death penalty for Casey Anthony.

This horrific crime has exposed once again the ability of a mother to snap. Regardless of her guilt, Casey Anthony has led most of society to presume her guilty. This sickening crime sheds light on a topic I think should be exposed to better our community.

Emotional and psychological well-being are THE VITAL components necessary to ensure a cohesive society, family and community. Mothers with brain disorders, differences, or diagnosis that have gone unnoticed, under-treated or disregarded may pose a dire threat to our community.

Sociopathic mothers are often under-restricted in custody cases, undisciplined and under-disciplined by the family and criminal courts and under-treated, if diagnosed at all.

Is this due to the stereotypical tendency of a sociopath being a male? Since woman's hormones do not allow the disguise of emotions as well as men, some red flags may go dismissed. This may be due to sociopath depiction in movies as male, or the psychological tendencies of men compared to women, the societal expectations of each gender, and personal perceptions of such expectations. Either way, now is the time to notice the red flags and make appropriate referrals.

If it is decided to remove a child from the mother and the mother has a diagnosis, their medical card or other insurance may end, thus by leaving them unable to receive treatment and making them a danger to society. Leaving the child in their care, poses a desperate situation for the child if the mother is not treated. Either way, a mother's psychological state should not be taken lightly, but not used against them if they are willingly undergoing successful treatment.

In court cases, if red flags are seen, the court should be able to mandate therapy for women exhibiting sociopathic tendencies so they do not fall through the cracks of the system.

You should also be able to protect yourself from someone like this, if you choose to, by getting a protection order simply based on this diagnosis. If you have noticed this tendency in a person, you are probably close enough to them to be in danger.

If you are seeking help for yourself or someone you know who is exhibiting signs of this or any psychosis, please find help with a local doctor, therapist or psychiatrist. Marion has a wonderful resource in the Marion Area Counseling Center and many other resources. Please reach out and help yourself first.

Healing is the first step to growing a healthy tomorrow! Also seek support through NAMI at their website - or locally you can contact the ADAMH board - NAMI at

NAMI of Marion and Crawford County
Location: Marion, OH
Phone: (740) 389-3585

Wishing you a healthy day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Free Bear Easter Craft and more!

Bear Easter Wreath: "Easter Bear Paper Craft

Read a bit about DLTK's Grow With Me Craft Concept to get some ideas on how this basic craft idea can be used with different materials to make it appropriate for everyone from ages 2 thru 82!"

This site I found has a bunch of free print outs and crafts for the family for Easter and I thought I would share it with you all! Enjoy! :0)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Glenn Beck and FEMA Camps

In response to Glenn Beck's reporting on the FEMA Camps, I have the following information and would like to hear what you have to say!

This issue of FEMA Camps has been the elephant in the middle of the room for about a year, creating a real morale issue in America and causing many sleepless nights for those watching the Government encroach upon them and wonder where in the world the country they love. Now in this new place led by someone who is campaigning for world leader at the expense of the American

First, FEAR NOT - EVEN if they are truly there, they may never use them except to scare us, or control us, even if they put us all in there, remember even people from the holocaust survived, and that was hell on earth. Also read your Bible in Psalms and Proverbs for comfort. One verse to help in these times, is "No weapon forged against me will prosper."
(Isaiah 54:9-17 KJV, verse 17; No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.) *

The outcome of evil will never meet its goal and the way of the righteous will always be preserved.

Look how many people escape prisons and stuff. Maybe we won't need to - maybe they would be nice to us. Besides, Love conquers all and the posts have to be filled by people, with hearts and minds who have to sleep at night knowing what they are doing to their extended family, so they could be converted into helping us. I just wanted to go there for all of us. We need to always be able to talk about the hard stuff.

Thank you for exposing them, but you need to have someone else "research" them, see my blog and you will be sickened by the phony research! :0)

The Popular mechanics guy got his info from the internet in 2007 here: How much was he paid to "research"?

Now, the KML google file of the fema camps here:
What about the rest of them?

As for the plastic fema coffins, I found this:
They are burial vaults. The coffin goes inside.
Polyguard manufactures burial vaults. Polyguard sells to the VA, which is enough of a government link for the conspiracy wing nuts to jump to FEMA. VA buys them under the name of thermoplastic graveliners.
Polyguard got a government Business and Industry Loan for $780,585 in 2001. Polyguard sells these vaults to the VA for use in VA Cemeteries. The VA has been buying them since 2000 under the name of thermoplastic graveliners.
However, the vaults show in the video belong to and are manufactured by Vanguard
Here’s the email from Polyguard:
July 21st, 2008 at 11:25 am
Polyguard and Co.
Afton, WY 83110

Someone else posted this:
(straight from the military!)

Thank you Glenn for bringing this into the light, even if I think your research guy got his info from a 2007 internet posting, with the SAME researched sites and data!

I kid you not, so maybe we need someone else to research it! Thank you - I think many of these people on the edge have no idea what to think of what their government has become and with no safety, they snap.

Glenn, please tell your friends to have faith and I am praying for them! :0)

Glenn, thank you dearly for this, you have no idea how much it helps to bring this out in the light, I might just sleep tonight. I am not crazy, but at this point I have no clue where my country went.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin on the GIVE Act

This is terrible!

GIVE ACT - Pure Evil! - Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin on the GIVE Act

YouTube - Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin on the GIVE Act

G20 family photo on Flickr -Name that evil do-er LOL

G20 family photo on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The smile and the smirk, tell more than you know... gee wiz!

Global Plan for Recovery and Reform |

Global Plan for Recovery and Reform | "Global Plan for Recovery and Reform

The Global Plan for Recovery and Reform statement issued by the G20 leaders, 2 April 2009."

G20 Information Centre

G20 Information Centre

A very well organized research center, official documents, background and commentary links.

Idaho Observer: Chemtrails:GAO report admits "chaff"

Lab report reveals much more

Idaho Observer: Chemtrails:GAO report admits "chaff" <P>Lab report reveals much more</P>

Thursday, April 2, 2009

China News: G-20 2009 | China Digital Times (CDT)

China News: G-20 2009 | China Digital Times (CDT): "an official transcript of a briefing by senior Obama administration officials to reporters on the bilateral meeting, released by the White House."

From their site:
"President Obama accepted President Hu’s invitation to visit China during their first face-to-face meeting ahead of the G20 meeting in London. From Fox News:

The two leaders met in London ahead of the G20 economic summit, shortly after Obama met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Obama also accepted an invitation to visit Moscow.

The White House said Obama and Hu agreed to “intensify coordination and cooperation on global economic and financial issues.” As economic leaders, the United States and China say they want to work together to address the economic crisis.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will also head up a new, intensive round of talks with Chinese leaders on economic and political issues, senior Obama administration officials told FOX News.

See also from John Pomfret’s blog: “Obama and Hu, a U.S.-China Luvfest” and an official transcript of a briefing by senior Obama administration officials to reporters on the bilateral meeting, released by the White House."

From a blog on the protests:

The thing is, today the protests were calmer. Last night there were swat teams deployed to basically arrest the protesters they took pics of and prevent them from intervention. It looked like every officer had a camera to intimidate the crowd. I am not, NOT for violent protests, however, people should always be able to fearlessly say what they think.

From the rally:

Transparency site:

Circle of 13:

Spiderman who scaled the building in protest and later turned himself over to the police peacefully:

He has an awesome site - check it out for a nice break!

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