Monday, July 20, 2009

Livestrong Army Campout Against Cancer - Marion, Ohio

Please repost this on your sites and resend this bulletin! :0)

Join us at Hickory Grove Lake Campground in Marion Ohio August 7th all day and a band at night! Primrose facility is having food available, free makeovers by Mary Kay, cancer patients and survivors will be able to have escorted paddle boat rides and fishing,

This is the 1st LIVESTRONG Army Event in Marion County and we need your help, there will be bingo and more events as volunteers and donations roll in! Let me know if your agency or organization wants to set up free!

We need donations from businesses for the raffle and prizes, monetary donations to help cover the event and to meet our goal to have a local cancer advocate available to meet patients where they are to help assess their needs.

At the event, we will be giving out freebies and survivor books with a ton of resources and support in them!


Check out this event: LIVESTRONG Army Campout Against Cancer

Friday, August 07, 2009

Hickory Grove Lake Campground
805 Hoch Rd

August 7th 2009 all day event! Starting at 11am

I really need volunteers and donations, so please reach me if you can help in any way!
Read the flyer and please repost this on your myspace and facebook pages! Thanks!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


LAF News

LIVESTRONG Day 2009 will be held October 2, 2009. With YOUR help, we can make cancer a global priority by holding more than 1,000 events worldwide. Register your event today

National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week
Nearly 70,000 young adults in their 20s and 30s are diagnosed with cancer each year and cancer remains the leading disease killer among 20- to 39-year-olds.

National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week (NYACAW), April 5–11, will be recognized and supported by advocacy organizations and clinical institutions across the country to raise awareness about important cancer-related issues unique to this age group.

NYACAW is sponsored by Vital Options International, in association with the LIVESTRONGYoung Adult Alliance, a coalition of 110 national and international organizations committed to promoting research and improving survival rates and quality of life for young adults with cancer.

This year's call to action is encouraging young adults to talk with their doctors, know the warning signs of cancer, understand what types of cancer they may be at risk for and learn about cancer screening and healthy lifestyle choices. For more information, visit and

Lance Armstrong Foundation

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

AUDIT the Federal Reserve

Campaign For Liberty

Audit the Federal Reserve!

Since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve has helped to devalue our dollar by 95%. During the recent economic crisis, it has poured trillions of dollars into the economy with no oversight, made secret agreements with foreign banks and governments, and has refused to tell Congress who is getting the money or to give it the details of what deals are being made.

HR 1207, Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed bill," and S 604, its Senate companion, will demand full transparency from the Federal Reserve for the first time in history by removing all restrictions from Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits of the Fed and mandating an audit by the end of 2010.

Help turn up the heat on Congress and convince them to pass Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill. Your petitions, e-mails, letters and phone calls have already made a huge impact, but more of your help is needed right away. Please take a few moments to tell your Congressman to support HR 1207, and urge your Senators to cosponsor S 604. Our tools on this site make it quick and easy to make a difference today!

There are already 245 Cosponsors for HR 1207, and 3 cosponsors for S 604! You can view the list here, or begin your efforts by signing our online petition. A treasure trove of information on Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill and stories from fellow Campaign for Liberty members can be found on the above site.

Rene Caisse - Essiac Cancer Alternative and Natural Treatment