Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Support "Columbus Hope for Haiti"City and Local Media Join Forces to Raise Funds for American Red Cross

To view the original press release, please click the title link above! :0)

Join Mayor Michael B. Coleman, the American Red Cross of Greater Columbus and Central Ohio media outlets for a special one-day 
fundraiser to benefit Haiti relief efforts in the wake of last week's devastating earthquake and today's strong aftershock.

“Columbus Hope for Haiti” is this Thursday, January 21, from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. 
at the Ohio Historical Society parking lot located just off of I-71, at Exit 111.

“When tragedy strikes, Columbus unites in prayer and support for people in 
trouble, and there is no doubt that the situation in Haiti demands our attention,” 
said Mayor Coleman. “We are urging everyone to take a few moments
 to stop by and give what they can to help hurry aid to Haiti through our partners
 at the American Red Cross - it could not be easier than stopping this week at 
Columbus Hope for Haiti at the Historical Society.”

How The Online Community Can Help

Blog about the event on Wednesday and/or Thursday, sharing how people can donate

Fan the Facebook page and ask your friends to join as well

Tweet using the #Cbus4Haiti hashtag

Share the content with your other social networks

Email your Columbus friends and family, asking them to support the event

To Donate to the Red Cross

Call 1-800-HELP NOW or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish)

Make a secure online contribution by visiting You can choose to designate your contribution to the 
International Response Fund or for the Haiti response specifically

Text “Haiti” to 90999 to make a $10 donation to the Red Cross

Drop off a check or cash donation on Thursday, January 21 to the Ohio Historical Center

(01) JUST BACK FROM IRAQ - "The Series"

Dem Jim Webb Calls For Health Care Vote Freeze Until Brown Is Seated

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PDD 51 & New Executive Order Give Obama Dictator Power

PDD 51 & New Executive Order Give Obama Dictator Power
From :
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, January 18, 2010

An Obama executive order that creates a council of state governors who will work with the feds to expand military involvement in domestic security, together with PDD 51, a Bush era executive order that gives the President dictatorial power in times of national emergency, eliminate the last roadblocks to declaring martial law in the United States.

The new order, which is entitled Establishment of the Council of Governors (PDF), creates a body of ten state governors directly appointed by Obama who will work with the federal government to help advance the “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States”.

The governors will liaise with officials from Northcom, Homeland Security, the National Guard as well as DoD officials from the Pentagon “in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments,” according to the executive order.

The exective order combines seamlessly with Presidential Decision Directive 51 to hand Obama dictator status in times of declared, and not necessarily genuine, national emergency.

In May 2007, former President George W. Bush sparked much alarm by openly declaring himself to be a dictator in the event of a national emergency under provisions that effectively nullify the U.S. constitution, but such an infrastructure has been in place for over 70 years and this merely represented a re-authorization of martial law powers.

Legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, which also places the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic “security”, was signed earlier without the approval or oversight of Congress and seemingly supercedes the National Emergency Act which allows the president to declare a national emergency but also requires that Congress have the authority to “modify, rescind, or render dormant” such emergency authority if it believes the president has acted inappropriately.

Journalist Jerome Corsi, who studied the directive, also states that it makes no reference to Congress and “its language appears to negate any requirement that the president submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists.”

In July 2007, Congressman Peter DeFazio (D – OR) was asked by his constituents to see what was contained within the classified portion of the White House’s plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack.

Since DeFazio also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and has clearance to view classified material, the request would have appeared to be routine, but the Congressman was unceremoniously denied all access to view the documents, and the White House wouldn’t even give an excuse as to why he was barred.

“I just can’t believe they’re going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack,” DeFazio told the Oregonian.

“We’re talking about the continuity of the government of the United States of America,” DeFazio says. “I would think that would be relevant to any member of Congress, let alone a member of the Homeland Security Committee.”

“Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right,” DeFazio concluded.


These new powers have now been handed over to President Obama, allowing him, along with a body of councillors personally selected by him, to declare martial law without there necessarily being a genuine national emergency, greasing the skids for U.S. troops and National Guard to conduct domestic policing of the American people.

In October 2008, Northcom, a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military based out of Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs, was assigned the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team returning from Iraq. An alarming September 8 Army Times report which was later denied after it sparked controversy stated that the troops would be used by Northcom to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” in the aftermath of a national emergency.

The Obama executive order states that governors will help advise the feds on National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.

The fact that the order further blurs the lines between state and federal power, as well as greasing the skids for more military involvement in domestic affairs has stoked fears that Obama may be laying the groundwork for his promised “national civilian security force”.

Conservatives and libertarians responded to the announcement by expressing their suspicion that Obama is preparing to give governors their marching orders in targeting “anti-government” types that have long been characterized as a terrorist threat by the feds in numerous reports stretching back over a decade.

“There is a definite purpose to this,” wrote one commenter on the popular Free Republic website, “The initial steps toward a domestic “Civilian Security Force” in each state, as called for by the fascisti during the campaign. It will be coordinated at the state level, under the authority of DHS and DoD and assorted agencies. The provision will be made for it to be “federalized” in an emergency, as is the National Guard.”

“This is a concrete step toward eliminating the independent authority and dissolving the sovereignty of the several States. It lays the groundwork for the end of the United States as a Republic,” she adds.

Others warn that Obama could be preparing to cancel elections under the justification of a national emergency, a fear that was often expressed when Bush was in office but one that never materialized.

However, the executive order clearly represents another assault on Posse Comitatus, the 1878 law that bars the military from exercising domestic police powers, which was temporarily annulled by the 2006 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act before parts of it were later repealed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Town Hall Meetings gone wild! America cursing the next three generations, the Acts church, Giving things away, and how YOU can make a difference NOW! Please read this all and post your ideas in the comments section and share this with your friends!

It really is sick how in the last video I posted, the audience kept yelling "sit down!" to the man who STOOD up for something at the town hall! It is like they are all sitting with lottery tickets waiting for the numbers to be called, or bingo, or waiting for their bail out, and if they don't get their way, they die or at least they oppress any intelligent statements in fear they won't get their hand-out. Who pays for it? We all do, our children do, but it is easier to turn a blind eye to someone else's tragedy as long as our selfish desires are being met, or we are being given health care. While our children and grand children are paying the bill on top of trying to live their own life. Could you pay it on top of your obligations now? If you could, then why borrow from your grandchildren? It is very selfish. We should all be paying it now, and relieving the stress and anguish from another generation. We should make this country a better and safer place for them, not a worse one. How green is that? Let's make America like we were never here and take our debt with us. No, they would rather "save the earth from warming" than save our children and grandchildren from forced labor half their lives to cover our errors, wars, and evil temptations we fell for. They should refuse to pay for our foolishness. We are invoking a curse on them.
Anyway, if we all help each other, people won't have a need to beg the government to meet their basic needs because they would already be met. This selfish nature of Americans who have the ability to give and do not, brings us to this point where we have so many in need. There are tons of empty houses and yet we have so many homeless, there are so many items thrown away, and could be used by someone, there are people with car lots of unused vehicles and people unable to attend school or go to work due to them not having transportation. We have gifts and talents also. If you used your talents and gifts to help meet someones need, they would not be in a predicament of not having the roof fixed or the car fixed or whatever unless the state helped them. If you are ever in that spot, you may soon realize no matter how strongly you feel against the state assistance, it is easier to get help and be able to feed your family and keep a roof over their heads than to just not accept the state's help.
So I have been trying to reach out to people and I really hope we all do. I will tell you I listened to many "Patriot's speeches" in 2009 and heard all their arguments against state assistance and it was obvious they looked down upon those who received any state help. All I can say was they all had jobs or received money and donations from us. Even though many of "us" were unemployed. They happily took our donations and lived off of the generosity of others, but disrespected those on state assistance. I know first hand, it would be more welcome if I had a ton of donors from my site who just dumped donations upon me, but that is not the case. I receive nothing for my site. Nothing. I really struggled with the guys on the podium taking this stance on things, when it was obvious they have not lived in this kind of predicament, so I emailed them. I asked them what their answer was to those who also are against state assistance, but who have no other choice due to disability, inability or lack of available work. I asked if their freedom movement (I won't embarrass them by naming the organization) had a charity or assistance to help people or an alternative solution to this problem. I received nothing in response, but they never hesitated emailing me daily asking me to send them money. It really bothered me. I was reminded of the Acts church as I prayed and searched online for some spiritual guidance and realized that was the real problem. We were not living like the Acts church. The church in Acts had apostles who helped divy out the donations and even helped to ensure those in need were given the things those who had excess donated. They traveled around (Paul was an awesome apostle), and went church to church and town to town, sharing the stuff. People even donated extra houses they acquired, land, anything. We are to do this. God has requested we live this way. I think at this point in America, we are seeing the results of what happens when you don't. We have been consumerized and engineered to buy and throw away and buy again. Any corporation loves to sell consumables because that means the customer will have to throw it out and buy it again. It is very profitable for the company as long as they market it right. We have lost sense of making use of anything for very long because Corporate America wants us buying again, so they make it un-cool to be "out of style", so you have to buy the latest - whatever - they are selling. Bigger, faster, more, and soon you are out of resources or are in debt. Then they own you. You struggle to make ends meet and find you are working just to pay off your debt and make rent.
If we live like the Acts church, we really gain a lot, freedom, appreciation, respect for one another, love, compassion, friends, fellowship, and we are living in God's will so he will bless us. Our Nation has a lot of atonement to do anyway, we have to repent to heal our land. We have been over that here and elsewhere now for quite awhile. The only way we can save this country is to repent and make things right here. This is God's Country. We are blessed to live here. Let's share with our neighbor and love them as we want to be loved. What a wonderful Country to live in when we live right. It isn't all our leaders who are at fault. To fix this country, it starts in our own homes. Think of things and excess you have. Pray for God to show you where to give it or who to give it to.
The more we attack this problem in America with love and generosity, the less that will be taken from us! :0) Think about it, take care - chrome
Do you have anything to share? Please post any ideas etc. in the comments section below and share this on your social sites! THANKS!

We The People Stimulus Package-You SHOULD be ANGRY!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Somalia to Ratify CRC, US to Stand Alone

Something worth checking out:

Somalia to Ratify CRC, US to Stand Alone

UNICEF announced on the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child November 20 that Somalia's transitional federal government (tfg) plans to ratify the Convention, leaving the United States as the lone hold-out among the UN's member states.  According to BBC reports, the tfg only governs a portion of Mogadishu (the capital of Somalia) while pirates and Muslim militias rule the rest of the nation, but the tfg "is backed by the UN and African Union."  So why would an impotent, geographically-challenged, UN-backed transitional government suddenly announce that it plans to ratify a treaty it is powerless to implement? The UN's announcement is set to increase pressure on the United States to ratify this dangerous convention.

Somalia as a nation is known for its pirates and its child soldiers. Sometimes, we even hear about its child pirates.  The idea that the nation is suddenly joining "the good guys" as a signatory to the CRC is preposterous, but it is being set forth by proponents of the treaty. The BBC writes, "The decision to ratify the agreement will be seen as an important symbolic step." Read the full story here.

Action Item

We will be contacting Congress again shortly after they return to D.C. Our blitz is just a few weeks away. In preparation, please cut and paste the following message into an email, tweet (you'll have to shorten it!), Facebook or other post and send it to everyone you can think of:

January is a great time to start new things and to get around to things you put off last year. If you haven't checked into the need for a Parental Rights Amendment, there is no better time than right now. Please take a few minutes to visit and sign their petition (join the network) to urge Congress to pass this vital Amendment to preserve all of our freedoms by protecting parental rights.

Join the Network

Click here to sign up for this weekly newsletter and/or action alerts regarding parental rights.

Amendment Cosponsors

To date we have 129 cosponsors in the U.S. House and 6 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate.

Become a Member

Your gift of just $25 or more will support our on-going efforts, and we'll send 2 decals to recognize your donation.

View This Email Online

In case there are updates or you have trouble viewing this properly, you can view it online here.


2010 - A Survey from the evil OFA - Obama's Fundraising Alliance - cloaking themselves as a grassroots org standing up for you.... LOL Right!

I never really share emails here, but I had to share this. The very deceptive "OFA" (NOT to be confused with the kick butt Ohio Freedom Alliance), sent me this email. They mask into this fake volunteer organization to make it look like a grass roots thing. IT IS NOT, it is highly manufactured. That is the link, although the page portrays OFA, it is actually an Obama machine and used to take more of your money in case stealing through taxes is not enough. Their survey is laughable and they seem to think people want to continually be abused by this administration. HA! Anyway, I decided to share my responses to some of the questions.

Please take a minute to fill out our quick survey on what's next in 2010:

How interested are you in each of the following issues?


Organizing for America is planning our involvement in the upcoming 2010 local and federal elections. How interested are you in joining OFA's efforts to:


In what ways would you like to volunteer with Organizing for America in 2010?

Any other way you would like to volunteer:
Supporting Ron Paul and to  END THE FED
At the end, my note was this:
To make this organization about the people and not a self interest group that is set up to look like it is for the people. We do see what this really is.
Then it takes you to a donation page to donate to the DNC 2008 - Could someone in accounting please tell me if they are able to get donations for 2008 in 2010... THANKS! LOL Just check the URL:

 So maybe some of you would like to clean up the results of this survey by joining in. Just a thought...
Happy New Year Everyone!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Plouffe <>
Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:24 AM
Subject: 2010

Organizing for America

Last Friday marked our passage into a new year, and a new decade.

2010 will be a year of new, exciting challenges. We'll be working hard with President Obama to finish the fight for health insurance reform, put more Americans back to work, and get our economy running strong. We'll fight to protect consumers and our economy from Wall Street abuses, improve transparency in Washington to elevate the voices of the American people, and create a vibrant, clean energy economy. And we'll stand up for the President's allies at the ballot box.

As we've always known, change this big must come from the bottom up. Organizing for America was founded last year based on your feedback, and OFA supporters are at the core of everything we do.

So as we wrap up one year and prepare for the next, we want to hear your reflections on our work together in 2009 and how you want OFA to move forward in the new year.

Can you take a minute to fill out our quick survey on what's next in 2010?

What's next in 2010

There's no limit to what we can accomplish this year, if we keep working together.

Can't wait to get started:

Happy New Year,

David Plouffe


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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