Friday, July 9, 2010

Absolutely AMAZING Food Storage Analyzer - You must see this!

I was absolutely blown away with the new Food Storage Analyzer! There is no way to go into the detail here of everything you can do with it. You can calculate everything you have and need for your entire family based on age and calories. There is so much to do there, I would highly recommend you taking the time to check it out. You can make a login, but you don't have to. It will save your info and help you plan for emergencies and daily meal planning. It also allows you to plan your purchases to accomidate to meet your needs. This is a wonderful tool!

"The Analyzer allows you to calculate the estimated length of time your food storage will last based on age, gender and number of people (according to USRDA guidelines). It also includes current nutrition levels in your food supply, as well as helps you understand how to balance the nutrition with future additions.

The Food Storage Analyzer™ helps manage various types of food storage in one program. You can combine dehydrated food, freeze-dried food, wet-pack (canned food from the grocery store), MRE's (Meals Ready-to-Eat), "just add water" meals (such as Mountain House), and more. You can even enter your own custom products."

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1 comment:

  1. That's a good food storage analyzer. It helps me manage various types of food storage in one program. I can even enter my own products. Good share!!


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