Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In Re: HaLeigh Cummings is NOW AVAILABLE!

Home: "In Re: HaLeigh Cummings is NOW AVAILABLE!

Some folks are requesting a personal note from me in their book (the pleasure is all mine.)

If you would like to order (signed) copies directly please send $25.00 per copy (S&H) included and I will ship you a copy.

Timothy Holmseth - 320 17th Street N.W. - Unit 17

East Grand Forks, MN


or pay with Pay Pal

Pay Pal orders ship within 24 hours

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  1. Is this book currently in stock??

  2. I believe so, check the link, I will too, thank you for posting! :)

  3. Yes, Here is the link:



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Rene Caisse - Essiac Cancer Alternative and Natural Treatment