Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TAKE ACTION TODAY against the patriot act! A vote will occur TODAY to extend the "PATRIOT" Act another year, and it will pass easily unless...


Received from Campaign for Liberty:

A vote will occur TODAY to extend the "PATRIOT" Act another year, and it will pass easily unless you and I take immediate action.

Congress is once again trying to sneak through an attack on our rights by reauthorizing the so-called "PATRIOT" Act with as little debate and scrutiny as possible.

No amendments will be allowed, and debate will be limited to 40 minutes.

Please call Rep. Steve Stivers at (202) 225-2015 and send a clear message that a vote for a suspension calendar with the so-called "PATRIOT" Act on it is a vote for roving wiretaps, secret sneak and peek searches conducted without the knowledge of the subject, search and seizure of library records, and so-called "national security letters" signed by anonymous bureaucrats replacing warrants signed by a judge.

Last year, the statists slipped reauthorization of the so-called "PATRIOT" Act through with little opposition.

You and I cannot allow the Constitution-shredding "PATRIOT" Act, with its roving wiretaps and secret searches, to be reauthorized through parliamentary shenanigans and without debate or amendments.

Please, call Rep. Steve Stivers at (202) 225-2015 right away!

In Liberty,

John Tate


Campaign for liberty

My reply:
Rep. Stivers, please consider in regards to the patriot act that a vote for a suspension calendar with the so-called "PATRIOT" Act on it is a vote for roving wiretaps, secret sneak and peek searches conducted without the knowledge of the subject, search and seizure of library records, and so-called "national security letters" signed by anonymous bureaucrats replacing warrants signed by a judge.

Please do everything in your power to protect our freedoms, liberties, privacy, and ability to live without anxiety from worries about the govt. encroaching on our lively-hoods and worrying those who signed up to serve our country will begin to act as if we serve them. Protect the country by protecting the way it should be, not the way terrorists want it to be! :) Thank you for your time. I appreciate your service to our country. You are in our prayers.

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