Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ukraine Pneumonic Plague and an Update on Verichip and Implanting of a MicroChip

Hello everyone, it has been awhile since I posted any updates on the Micro Chip inplant and I came across some important news I wanted to share with you. There could be ruling in the new health care bill to mandate a microchip implant for patients in order to comply with the rulings in the bill of how health care facilities manage your health care data, and how insurance companies pay them (as in their unverified patient invoices will not be paid or whatever). It may not say you must be chipped, but the facilities may be nearly forced to mandate that process in order to be able to comply with the regulations of safety and management of the medical records and so forth.
I am looking into starting my own business selling homeopathic medicines and natural medicine. If I find a honest, reputible company offering quality products, I will be joining with them and I will blog about my findings and offer you products that you can store up for personal health care if you prefer natural treatments, or if you can not afford going to a hospital or primary care physician. This could offer an alternative for you. I would never say to avoid treatment if it is necessary, or deter you from mainstream medical care, but in time of need, it could be a helpful alternative. I will keep you posted. Please bookmark my page, follow me, or subscribe to my rss feed to be updated. Thank you! :0)
Now, I have been made aware of some situations, I will start with the Pneumonic plague in the Ukraine. I have read several articles on this terrible situation, however, I have no way of confirming, or ensuring this is true. I will post the information links and if you have more, please feel free to post them as a comment for all of us. What the articles and videos on youtube are saying is that many have died from this and it is not H1N1, it is different. They say there was chemtrail or other aresol spraying overhead prior to this outbreak. There are reports of martial law and quarintines and other non-verified event. I would like to know more, so if you have any verifiable information, please share it. There is a lot of good information in the comments section here:
Next, the chip implant saga...
I also wanted all you freedom lovers to be aware of the new tactics of the microchip implant proponents, they have acquired an identity and credit monitoring company and now have that database capability along with the medical database linking capability for the chip. They are also going to try to fool you with a new name. It is PositiveID.
From on November 15th 2009:
" VeriChip Buys Steel Vault, Creating Micro-Implant Health Record/Credit Score Empire


VeriChip (CHIP), the company that markets a microchip implant that links to your online health records, has acquired Steel Vault (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The combined company will operate under a new name: PositiveID.

The all-stock transaction will leave PositiveID in charge of a burgeoning empire of identity, health and microchip implant businesses that will only encourage its critics. BNET previously noted that some regard the company as part of a prophecy in the Book of Revelation (because the HealthLink chip carries an RFID number that can be used as both money and proof of ID) or as part of President Obama's secret Nazi plan to enslave America.

The most obvious criticism to be made of the deal is that it potentially allows PositiveID to link or cross-check patient health records (from the HealthLink chip) to people's credit scores. One assumes that the company will put up firewalls to prevent that. PositiveID CEO Scott Silverman said:

"PositiveID will be the first company of its kind to combine a successful identity security business with one of the world's first personal health records through our Health Link business. PositiveID will address some of the most important issues affecting our society today with our identification tools and technologies for consumers and businesses."

Unless, of course, consumers don't actually want to be implanted with chips, have their health records available over the internet, or have their medical records linked to their credit scores."




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  1. Hi!
    It`s very important for me. I`m livin in Ukraine in Kiev. If you interest something write me, What`s new about VeriChip& May be you know something about chipin` in Ukraine. Sorry for mistakes.

  2. If you need some information about Ukraine, I can write you...


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