Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 - A Survey from the evil OFA - Obama's Fundraising Alliance - cloaking themselves as a grassroots org standing up for you.... LOL Right!

I never really share emails here, but I had to share this. The very deceptive "OFA" (NOT to be confused with the kick butt Ohio Freedom Alliance), sent me this email. They mask BarakObama.com into this fake volunteer organization to make it look like a grass roots thing. IT IS NOT, it is highly manufactured. http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/whatsnext2010 That is the link, although the page portrays OFA, it is actually an Obama machine and used to take more of your money in case stealing through taxes is not enough. Their survey is laughable and they seem to think people want to continually be abused by this administration. HA! Anyway, I decided to share my responses to some of the questions.

Please take a minute to fill out our quick survey on what's next in 2010:

How interested are you in each of the following issues?


Organizing for America is planning our involvement in the upcoming 2010 local and federal elections. How interested are you in joining OFA's efforts to:


In what ways would you like to volunteer with Organizing for America in 2010?

Any other way you would like to volunteer:
Supporting Ron Paul and to  END THE FED
At the end, my note was this:
To make this organization about the people and not a self interest group that is set up to look like it is for the people. We do see what this really is.
Then it takes you to a donation page to donate to the DNC 2008 - Could someone in accounting please tell me if they are able to get donations for 2008 in 2010... THANKS! LOL Just check the URL:

 So maybe some of you would like to clean up the results of this survey by joining in. Just a thought...
Happy New Year Everyone!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Plouffe <info@barackobama.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 9:24 AM
Subject: 2010

Organizing for America

Last Friday marked our passage into a new year, and a new decade.

2010 will be a year of new, exciting challenges. We'll be working hard with President Obama to finish the fight for health insurance reform, put more Americans back to work, and get our economy running strong. We'll fight to protect consumers and our economy from Wall Street abuses, improve transparency in Washington to elevate the voices of the American people, and create a vibrant, clean energy economy. And we'll stand up for the President's allies at the ballot box.

As we've always known, change this big must come from the bottom up. Organizing for America was founded last year based on your feedback, and OFA supporters are at the core of everything we do.

So as we wrap up one year and prepare for the next, we want to hear your reflections on our work together in 2009 and how you want OFA to move forward in the new year.

Can you take a minute to fill out our quick survey on what's next in 2010?

What's next in 2010

There's no limit to what we can accomplish this year, if we keep working together.

Can't wait to get started:


Happy New Year,

David Plouffe


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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